
We hold Stay & Play sessions which parents are welcome to volunteer at. We love to hear from you if you have skills or talents that the children might want to know about, an interesting job (e.g. nurse, dentist, police officer, soldier, firefighter etc), or if you want to help out with reading a story or gardening for a few hours.

Where possible we hold regular drop in sessions, sometimes for special occasions such as Mother’s Day/Father’s Day and sometimes so your child can show you what they’ve been up to during the day.

From time to time the setting holds workshops or courses for parents. These usually look at how adults can help children to learn and develop when they are at home and how this fits with what they do in their time with us. Courses on similar topics are held locally by PATA and other organisations: watch out for information about these.


In the early years all learning is done through play and our skilled staff will look at the interests of the children and help to build on them to develop skills and learning whilst keeping the children highly engaged.

We work to the standards set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This is based around a broad range of knowledge and skills which the children should cover to help them have a good foundation for progress through school and life.